Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 1

Wires, computer chips, cameras and wheels were what the TSA agent saw on his monitor screen. “Excuse me, but we need to pass that box through the x-rays again" Yes, TSA that’s a robot and he’s headed to the International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles...
That’s how we started our trip to LA with Dylan, Priya, Kim (Science teacher) Tami, and me.  Nothing like backing up the security line to make friends with the other passengers waiting to board the plane bound for our first stop, Houston. Then on to LA…
We are on our way to experience the annual wonderment called ISEF.  Sponsored by Intel this year, the fair is a 6 day event at the LA Convention Center.  Imagine 1600 finalists (aka teenage geniuses) from over 60 countries displaying their award winning science projects in 17 different categories spanning the gambit of discovery.  We can’t wait!!!
The ISEF will have not only the judging of these projects but a slew of science oriented symposia that will include Nobel Prize Winners and scientists from all over the world. These finalists will have the opportunity to be judged by an average of ten experts in the field of science and present their project on the world’s stage.  But don’t underestimate the "have fun" attitude of these so called “geeks” as there are planned events at Universal Studios and LA Live. Not to mention several social gatherings and activities throughout the fair. 
Day 1-
A smooth flight in to LAX, where we were met by a young lady with a placard indicating ISEF finalists were to gather and then get shuttled to their respective hotels. (a glimpse of the level of organization in place) Our hotel is the Wilshire Grand on Wilshire Blvd. just 6 blocks from the LA Convention Center which is home to ISEF.  I believe this is the same hotel the Beatles stayed in when they played the Hollywood Bowl. After a quick registration, we dropped off baggage and walked to the convention center to register and setup the projects.

Lots of finalists, identified by the credentials hanging by lanyard around their necks, were parading down the sidewalks of downtown LA. All were very excited teenagers from just about every county on the globe.
An easy registration by the courteous ISEF staff and we too, became excited teenagers . We each received a bag full of info; programs, schedules, isef pin, and brochures.
Up the escalator and through the doors, we entered the expo hall filled with 1400 science fair project booths surrounding a hub that contained ISEF staff and supplies ready to assist the finalists with setting up their projects. Each booth contained the materials of each finalist that had been shipped from around the world and the hub had the needed materials and tools for student to create, repair, or install their display board. These boards are made with as much variety as the finalists themselves, and show as much amazing creativity as the projects.
Dylan’s board arrived unscathed and went up quickly as did the setup of the robot and it’s peripherals. And it all worked!!!  Priya wisely sent her display materials in a tube and then purchase the necessary board materials and in no time had her board ready, thanks to her two sisters who came to town also.
The next thing on the agenda was a pin exchange setup at the Marriot Hotel. Thanks to the Blue Angels and the City of Pensacola, both kids had about 50 worthy pins to trade with the other finalists. The pin exchange is a great way to meet other kids from the various countries without having to speak their native language. Dylan and Priya met kids from places like Argentina, Pueto Rico, China, Japan, Texas, and even Alabama…  They collected a lot of pins and some quick friends.
Tami, Kim, and I finally got to eat at a nice restaurant next to the Marriot and enjoyed a Cali kind of meal with items like raw Ahi tuna over cucumber relish with soy vinaigrette and jerk chicken.  It was a great way to end a full day and store some energy for the next day..

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